Psychological and Educational Counseling - الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 126
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Life Styles and Their Relations to Psychological Pollution Among a Sample of Palestinian University StudentsHasna Ahmed Hassan Odeh; حسنة أحمد حسن عودة
2021The Psychological Adjustment and its relationship to social support for a sample of patients with chronic renal failure at Palestine Medical ComplexTahany Abdelfattah Mathar; تهاني عبد الفتاح مظهر
2021The Effectiveness of a Counseling Program Based on the Gelotherapy in Reducing Psychological and Social Pressure Among Women who have been Quarantined During the Corona PandemicIman Mohammed Badran; إيمان محمد حامد بدران
2021Psychological Hardness and its Relationship to Emotional Balance Among Nurses Working in Quarantine Centers in Hebron Governorate due to the Korna PandemicIman Yahya Eid Abu Aram; إيمان يحيى عيد ابوعرام
2021أنماط التنشئة الأسرية الممارسة وعلاقتها بنمطي الشخصية (الانبساط والانطواء) ومفهوم الذات لدى النساء العاملات في المؤسسات الحكومية المدنية الفلسطينية في محافظة أريحا والأغوارAmeena Salah Abdullah Al-Mughrabi; أمينة صلاح المغربي
2021Facebook Addiction as an Intermediate Variable Between Marital Satisfaction and Emotional Communication Among A Sample of Married Couples in Tulkarm GovernorateAla Jamal Musa Abed Alnabi; ألاء جمال موسى عبد النبي
2021Psychological Exhaustion and its Relationship to Marital Stability Among Married Nurses in the Palestine Medical Complex During Corona PandemicAsmaa Mahmoud Abdel Hafeez Diba; أسماء محمود عبد الحفيظ ديبه
2021Social Support and Its Relationship to Social Adaptation Among Jerusalemite Prisoners Released from Israeli Prisons in the Years 2018-2020Ahmad Rabah Ameerah; أحمد رباح عميرة
2019The Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioral Counseling Program in Reducing Psychological Stress and Increasing Marital Adjustment among Married Nurses in Ramallah and Al-Bireh GovernateSana Saleh Mohammad Abdullah; سناء صالح محمد عبدالله
2019The Effectiveness of A Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Program in Reducing Social Anxiety among Students in the Resource Rooms of Ramallah and Al-Bireh Public SchoolsManal Abdallah Abalrahman Mohdi; منال عبد الله عبد الرحمن مهدي
2020Body Image and its Relationship to Shame and Self-Acceptance among Women Heading to Slimming Centers in the Hebron GovernorateAya Ibrahim Sami Adam; آية سامي إبراهيم عدم
2020The Effectiveness of a Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Program in Improving Social Skills and Reducing Feeling of Shyness among Adolescence Students in JerusalemReeman Adeeb Al-Shaikh; ريمان أديب جودة الشيخ
2020Vocational Interest and its Relation with Future Anxiety Among A Sample of Students Enrolled in the Rehabilitation Youth Center Related to the Palestinian Ministry of Social DevelopmentKafia M Shaqour; كافيه محمد عبد الحميد شقور
2020Psychological Rigidity and its Relation with Psychological Adjustment Among Palestinian Officers of National Security in West Bank - PalestineAli Atta Al Sayed Arousi Mughrabi; علي عطا عروسي مغربي
2020Psychological Stress and its Relationship to Teaching Self- Efficacy and the Level of Teaching Performance Among Teachers of Orphan Schools in Hebron GovernorateSa'dah Khalid Halaiqah; سعدة خالد حلايقة
2020Psychological Immunity as an Intermediate Variable between Psychological Stress and Emotional Balance among Females Working in the Palestinian Security ForcesFalastine Ibrahim Jebreene; فلسطين إبراهيم مصطفى جبريني
2021Common Methods of Parental Treatment and its Relation with Alienation Among Adolescent Children in The Higher Elementary Stage in Jerusalem GovernorateMaher Mohammad Abu- Sa'd; ماهر محمد أبو سعد
2020Psychological Burnout and its Relation with Job Satisfaction among Specialists in Handicapped Institutions in Ramallah and AL-Bireh GovernorateMaha Bajis Hussein Dar Al-Sheikh; مها باجس حسين دار الشيخ
2020Meaning of Life and Psychological Toughness and the Relation between them among the Liberated Palestinian Prisoners from Occupation Prisons in Nablus GovernorateMaysa' Saeed Hasan Haneesh; ميساء سعيد حسن حنيش
2020Post-Traumatic Stress and its Relation with Future Anxiety Disorder among Palestinians Families who have Lost their Houses in Jerusalem by the Israeli OccupationTahani Ahmad Nimer Allawzi; تهاني أحمد نمر اللوزي
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 126