Psychological and Educational Counseling - الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 126
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Personality Traits and Its Relationship to Psychological Stress Among Investigation Officers in the Northern GovernoratesNafea Jallad; نافع فراس نافع جلاد
2021The Reality of Learned Helplessness and its Relationship to School Violence Among Basic School Students in Governmental Schools in Palestine from the point of view of CounselorsNadera Abdel-Mahdi Abdel-Sameei’ Geith; نادرة عبد المهدي عبد السميع غيث
2021Identity Crisis and its Relationship to Self-concept among Adolescents in the Schools of Bethlehem GovernorateMuhannad Kamel Alissawy; مهند كامل محمود العيساوي
2021The Predictive Ability of Social Support and Psychological Rigidity in the Psychological Security Among Mothers of Children with Down Syndrome in PalestineMariam Abdaljabar Masri; مريم عبد الجابر محمود مصري
2021The Predictive Ability of Self-Efficacy and Psychological Security in the Achievement of Secondary School Students in Hebron GovernorateMarwa Rashid Mohammed Adra; مروه راشد محمد عدره
2021Parenting Styles and its Relation with Psychological Adjustment and Future Anxiety Among a Sample of Students who are Late in the Secondary Stage in the Directorate of Education in South HebronMaram Samamra; مرام راجح سليمان سمامره
2021Unemployment Anxiety and its Relation with Psychological Compatibility Among Al-Quds Open University StudentsMaram Tartir; مرام عماد ترتير
2021Psychological Stress Resulting From Corona pandemic and its Relationship to Psychological Hardness Among Workers in the Preventive Security Service in Ramallah and Al-Bireh GovernorateMohammed Abdul-Wahed Al-Sallamin; محمد عبد الواحد السلامين
2021Exposure to the Traumatic Experience of Resulting of Viewing of Martyrs Pictures in the Media, and it’s Related to Symptoms of Psychosomatic Disorder for the Student of High School in the Hebron GovernanceMohammed Ahmad al-Mahdi; محمد أحمد سليمان المهدي
2021Psychological Stress and Its Relation to Psychological Hardiness Among Secondary School Teachers in Ramallah and al-Bireh Governorate in Light of the COVID-19 PandemicLutfia Aref Ibrahim Ghrayeb; لطفية عارف إبراهيم غريب
2021The Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioral Counseling Program to Reduce Future Anxiety Among a Sample of Psoriasis Patients in Ramallah and Al-Bireh GovernorateLana Shaban Abdeen Shaban; لانا شعبان عابدين شعبان
2021Future Anxiety and its Relation with Motivation for Achievement Among High School Students in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate in Light of the COVID-19 PandemicAlaa Abu Baker; علاء الدين محمد أبو بكر
2021Psychological and Social Effects Resulting from the Spread of Rumor in the Time of the Corona Pandemic and its Relationship to Psychological Security Among a Sample of Housewives in Ramallah and Al-Bireh GovernorateUroba Rayhan Shaheen; عروبة ريحان محمد شاهين
2021Psychological Security and its Relation with Self-Concept Among Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ramallah and Albirah GovernorateOrub AyobAlarab; عروب أيوب العرب
2021The Relationship of Parental Treatment Methods with Professional Tendencies Among High School (Tawjihi) Students in Jerusalem City SchoolsShireen Zuhair Obeid; شيرين زهير عيسى عبيد
2021Wife Abuse and its Relation with Psychosomatic Disorders Symptoms among a Sample of Married Women in Hebron GovernorateSamraa Nitham Qaaqoor; سمراء نظام عبد الرحمن قعقور
2021Psychological Security and its Relationship with Self-concept Among Sample of Divorced Women in Hebron GovernorateSamar H. A. Al-Aqili; سمر حرب أحمد العقيلي
2021Body Image Estimate and its Relation with Psyehological Hardness Among Cancer Patients in Ramallah and Al-Bireh GovernorateRoaa Faad Mohammed Snaf; رؤى فائد محمد اسناف
2021Attitudes Educational Counselors in Public Schools Towards Usage of Online Counseling in Light of The Corona Pandemic and Its Relationship to Their Professional-selfHanan Sobhi Abdel Karim Belbeisi; حنان صبحي عبد الكريم بلبيسي
2021Psychological Hardness and its Relation with Social Adjustment Among Families of Sentenced to Life Prisoners in Israeli Occupation PrisonsHassan Bsharat; حسن مصطفى أحمد حسن
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 126