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العنوان: Methods of Coping with Traumatic Events and their Relationship to Psychological Immunity Among Photojournalists Working in Palestine
المؤلفون: Alabed, Montaser
العبد, منتصر
الكلمات الرئيسية: Methods of coping with traumatic events
psychological immunity
photographers journalists
أساليب مواجهة الأحداث الصادمة
المناعة النفسية
المصورين الصحافيين
تاريخ النشر: 13-سبت-2021
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: The study aims to identify the relationship between methods of coping with traumatic events and psychological immunity among photojournalists working in the Palestinian territories. It includes 318 workers in the fields of photojournalism in the Palestinian territories. The results of the study show that the confrontational method towards the request for support provided by the family and friends recorded the highest mean average 3.62. It also found that there was a positive direct relationship between the methods of confronting traumatic events and psychological immunity. The results showed that there were no differences in the methods of confronting traumatic events among photojournalists working in the Palestinian territories due to the variable of gender, years of experience, while it was found that there were differences attributed to the age variable. While in the variable of the place of coverage, with regard to the method of confronting regarding obtaining moral support from their media institutions the differences were in favor of the Gaza Strip.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2773
يظهر في المجموعات:Psychological and Educational Counseling - الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي

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