ماجستير إدارة المؤسسات الإعلامية - Management of Media Institutions الصفحة الرئيسية لهذه المجموعة

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Collection's Items (Sorted by تاريخ التقديم in تنازليا order): 1 to 6 of 6
تاريخ الإصدارالعنوانالمؤلف (المؤلفون)
2022-12-15Specialized media training in media organizations and its impact on the content industry of their employeesAbu Zakia, Samih; أبو زاكية, سميح
2023-01-03Impact of Organizational Culture on Developing Creativity in Media Production in the Palestine Public Broadcasting CorporationAhmad, Salma; أحمد, سلمى
2023-06-21The extent of employing interactive multimedia mediators by media institutions in portraying the Palestinian digital narrative, from the perspective of their employees.Abu ghanim, Salam; أبو غانم, سلام
2022-08-24Reflections of the Corona pandemic on digital transformation in the Palestinian public institutions from the point of view of Palestinian TV employees.Abu Aluol, Reem; أبو علول, ريم
2023-02-12The impact of ownership of satellite channels on editorial policy from the point of view of the media and academic eliteJahajha, Rami; جحاجحة, رامي
2022-09-18Impact of Digitizing Internal Communication on Formulating Organizational Culture of Media Institutions. A Case Study: Palestinian Official Media InstitutionsMansor, Amneh; منصور, آمنة
Collection's Items (Sorted by تاريخ التقديم in تنازليا order): 1 to 6 of 6