اللغات الصفحة الرئيسية لهذه المجموعة

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Collection's Items (Sorted by تاريخ التقديم in تنازليا order): 1 to 20 of 33
تاريخ الإصدارالعنوانالمؤلف (المؤلفون)
2014-01-23The Technical Style-
2014-01-25Literary Translation-
2014-01-22Written Translation skills-
2014-01-21Translation: Constraints and Difficulties-
2014-01-24The Language of Mass media and Diplomacy-
2014-08-10English for Other Purposes-
2014-08-09English in the Mass-Media-
2014-01-22Written Translation skills-
2014-01-24The Language of Mass media and Diplomacy-
2014-01-23The Technical Style-
2014-01-21Translation: Constraints and Difficulties-
2014-01-25Literary Translation-
2014-08-10English for Other Purposes-
2014-08-09English in the Mass-Media-
2014-07-31Inferences and conclusion-
2014-07-28Generalization and Qualification-
2014-07-29Interpretation of Data-
2014-07-26Comparison & Contrast-
2014-07-27Cause and Effect-
Collection's Items (Sorted by تاريخ التقديم in تنازليا order): 1 to 20 of 33