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Title: Palestine in Radwa Ashour's Oeuvre
Authors: Ziad Jawad Diab Al-Atawneh
زياد جواد ذياب العطاونة
Keywords: Palestine,Tantourieh , Aestheticism, Radwa Ashour,
فلسطين، رضوى عاشور، الطنطورية، الصورة الفنية،
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: جامعة القدس المفتوحة/Al-Quds Open University
Abstract: This MA Thesis aims at showing Palestine portrayal in Radwa Ashour's oeuvre in its critical and narrative achievements and its biographical aspect that reinforced the intellectual realm to the Palestinian Cause . Consequently, this study came in three chapters and each chapter Consists several elements. In Chapter One which is titled: Critical Visions by Radwa Ashour in the Novels of Ghassan Kanafani has five subdivisions. The first: The 1948-Nakba (Disaster) and the dispossession of Palestinians in Kanafani's hat All That's Left to You. The second, exile in Kanafani's Men in the Sun. The third, the Armed Revolution in Kanafani's Um Sa'ad. The fourth, the Intellectual Revolution in Kanafani's The Blind and the Deaf. The fifth, the Influence of Human Thought on Kanafani. The Second Chapter is titled: Palestine portrayal in the Intellectual Realm by Radwa Ashour. It has three subdivisions. First, The Human Space. The second, the literary and intellectual Space. The third, the Political Space. The Third Chapter which is titled (The Incarnation of Palestine in the Narrative Speech) is distributed into three sections: First, the portrayal of the Second Palestinian Intifada in the novel Part of Europe. Second, the Refugee Portrayal in Ashour's Tantourieh. The Third, is the aesthetic portrayal. This study arrived at several important findings. The most important by Radwa Ashour who envisioned that Ghassan Kanafani in his novella Men in the Sun does not only narrate/represent the actions of some Palestinian personaes but exceeds that and portrays a realistic Palestinian vision. Ashour emphasized Kanafani's epistemological realm, as an exiled author, at his intellectual height. She also highlights the struggle role of the Palestinian intellectual Edward Said. Moreover, Ashour documented in her novel Tantourieh, the tragic and catastrophic consequences of Palestinian refugees and she aesthetically incarnated the Palestinian tragedy.
Appears in Collections:Arabic Language and Literature -ماجستير اللغة العربية وآدابها

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