
المرشحات الحالية:
بدء بحث جديد
إضافة مرشحات :

استخدم المرشحات لتحسين نتائج البحث.

نتائج 71-77 من 77
زيارات العنصر :
تاريخ الإصدارالعنوانالمؤلف (المؤلفون)
2021-03-20Exposure to the Traumatic Experience of Resulting of Viewing of Martyrs Pictures in the Media, and it’s Related to Symptoms of Psychosomatic Disorder for the Student of High School in the Hebron GovernanceAlmahdi, Mohammad; المهدي, محمد
2021-03-27The Relationship of Parental Treatment Methods with Professional Tendencies Among High School (Tawjihi) Students in Jerusalem City SchoolsAbaid, Shereen; عبيد, شيرين
2021-02-13Academic Adjustment and its Relation with Optimism and Pessimism among Graduate Studies Students at Al-Quds Open University in Light of the Shift Towards E-learning due to Corona PandemicShaheen, Abeer; شاهين, عبير
2021-03-16Wife Abuse and its Relation with Psychosomatic Disorders Symptoms among a Sample of Married Women in Hebron GovernorateKa'kour, Samra'; قعقور, سمراء
2021-09-13Methods of Coping with Traumatic Events and their Relationship to Psychological Immunity Among Photojournalists Working in PalestineAlabed, Montaser; العبد, منتصر
2021-02-14Identity Crisis and its Relationship to Self-concept among Adolescents in the Schools of Bethlehem GovernorateAhesawi, Mohannad; العيساوي, مهند
2021-02-13Irrational Thoughts and Their Relation to Academic Procrastination in a Sample of Secondary Stage Students in the Schools of Ramallah and AlBireh Governorate – PalestineYahya, Wa'd; يحيى, وعد