
المرشحات الحالية:
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نتائج 21-30 من 77
زيارات العنصر :
تاريخ الإصدارالعنوانالمؤلف (المؤلفون)
2021Study of Collocating Grammar in Surat An-Nisa (A Semantic Study in light of the Modern Lesson )Mahboba Ahmad Mousa sbeih; محبوبة أحمد موسى صبيح
2021The Challenges Facing the Implementation of the School Performance Leadership System and its Relationship with the Obstacles of Teachers’ Performance Effectiveness from the Viewpoint of Schools’ Principals in the Northern GovernoratesHiyam Abdel Aziz Mousa Yassin; هيام عبد العزيز موسى ياسين
2021"The Impact of Civil Society Organization (SCOs) Budget Monitoring on the Enhancement of the Governments Fiscal performance In the Case of a Governing Societyأحمد محمد أنيس زيود
2021The Impact of Management Information Systems on the Effectiveness of Decision-Making in Palestinian Local Government Units from Employees Perspective: Information Quality as a MediatorNawal Foqha; نوال محمود فياض فقها
2021The Extent of Leadership Skills Owned by Public School Principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh and Their Relationship to Managerial Accountability from the Teachers Point of View- Case StudyNader Salah El-Din Al-Hujjah; نادر صلاح الدين الحجة
2021“Practices of Educational Supervisors in Leading Change and its Relation with Teaching Performance Quality from School Principals' Point of View in the Northern Governorates in Governmental Schools in Palestine (Field Study)”Hiyam Khalil Mousa Awadallah; هيام خليل موسى عوض الله
2021Social Support and Its Relationship to Social Adaptation Among Jerusalemite Prisoners Released from Israeli Prisons in the Years 2018-2020Ahmad Rabah Ameerah; أحمد رباح عميرة
2021Psychological Exhaustion and its Relationship to Marital Stability Among Married Nurses in the Palestine Medical Complex During Corona PandemicAsmaa Mahmoud Abdel Hafeez Diba; أسماء محمود عبد الحفيظ ديبه
2021Role of Palestine Standards Institution in improving the competitiveness advantage of local product (A survey study on the food industry)كامل سليمان عبد سليمان
2021أنماط التنشئة الأسرية الممارسة وعلاقتها بنمطي الشخصية (الانبساط والانطواء) ومفهوم الذات لدى النساء العاملات في المؤسسات الحكومية المدنية الفلسطينية في محافظة أريحا والأغوارAmeena Salah Abdullah Al-Mughrabi; أمينة صلاح المغربي